Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good grief!

From the BBC:

"A story based on the Three Little Pigs has been turned down from a government agency's annual awards because the subject matter could offend Muslims."
Again, from the BBC:
An Afghan journalist has been sentenced to death by a provincial court for distributing "blasphemous" material.
In the Netherlands,
The Dutch government is set to impose a ban on the Muslim burqa in schools and government offices.
But in Finland,
Finnish Swimming Halls Closed to Non-Muslims For Islamic Swimming.......
Finally, an American historian claims that
the West would be better off if it had been incorporated into an all-conquering Islamic empire in the early Middle Ages.
His reviewer comments:


Still, it's fair to wonder why, if that's true, the West ended up with the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution and the Islamic world got chronic underdevelopment, a pervasive religious obscurantism, Al Qaeda and the trust fund states of the Arabian peninsula? It's also fair to point out that both the Muslim philosopher Averroës and the Jewish philosopher-physician Maimonides were sent fleeing for their lives by Islamic fundamentalists and not the Christian Reconquista. Moreover, the Carolingian incursion into Spain -- over which Lewis frets so forcefully -- was undertaken in response to an invitation by Saracen grandees fearful of Abd al-Rahman's expanding hegemony.

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