Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Why not beat up old people?

"Let's face it, they're a pain in the neck, clogging up escalators, revolving doors, sidewalks. You're in a hurry, you've got places to go, people to see, and there's always some old coot or withered biddy shuffling, shuffling, shuffling in front of you at 10 paces an hour. In Britain, in Canada, in Europe, in Japan, in China, the population is aging fast. So, if you think there are too many codgers taking 20 minutes to board the bus right now, just wait a couple of decades. Suppose five per cent of young men get irked at being delayed by geezers. What restrains them from making grampa-whacking merely the latest normalized pathology?" Mark Steyn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

at what age would we be calling old....
i am almost fifty and have asked the question
at what age should i stop hitting people
am i the old codger or the punk
hmmm ?