Tuesday, June 19, 2007


José Brechner's take on Bolivia's "first indigenous" president:

La idea del gobierno indigenista, es someter o integrar al blanco a su cultura, que es menos evolucionada. (Pensamiento análogo al de los musulmanes en relación con occidente). El final será irremediablemente la confrontación, porque es inconcebible que 3.000 años de sapiencia y progreso sean tirados por la borda, para ejercitar regresivos conceptos jurásicos de administración sociopolítica que se plasmarán en su nueva Carta Magna.

In other words, the idea of an "indigenous" government is to submit or integrate the whites to its culture, which is less evolved. (Analogous thought to those of the muslims in relation to the west). Confrontation will be the end, because it is inconceivable that 3000 years of knowledge and progress will be thrown overboard in order to run regressive jurassic concepts of sociopolitical administration that will give form to a new Magna Carta.

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