Thursday, March 29, 2007

Missile defense shield.

The European Left does not want a missile defense shield (MDS) in Polish and Czech soil, or at least, according to Reuters, Europe's left-leaning parties want the US to have more consultations with its allies about it.

Background consultations have ensued, and official ones will soon begin. Many well-read Poles (and other Europeans) are under the mistaken belief that the MDS will only protect the US. This is incorrect. MDS is meant to cover most of Europe.

The European Union is not necessarily against MDS. In fact NATO supports the idea.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Russia has neither been ignored nor side-stepped, and the US has engaged the leadership even to the extent as to propose to Russia to become involved in the MDS, which could protect Russia's European portion, including St. Petersburg and Moscow, against an attack from Iran or North Korea.

More information on MDS can be found here and here (in Polish).

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