Sunday, July 16, 2006

Today's New York Times Editorial : use it to wrap slimy bait

The Real Agenda
The New York Times Editorial

Sunday 16 July 2006
With all that is happening in the Middle East Bill Keller is still worried that Osama Bin Laden has not been apprehended and that the President has "powers". The White House's methods "have been shaped by another, perverse determination:never to consult, never to ask and always to fight against any constraint on the executive branch".

This editorial seems to be written by someone who has not received invitations to the WH in a long time and is starting to sound like a lot of international fellas who want desperate attention.

"Over and over again, " he goes on to write about..... the same story...blah, blah and will definitely drive his newspaper down the path to making it obsolete, with news that is unfit to print... Someone should save this paper ....

1 comment:

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