One take on Obama’s antagonism to BP:
Obama dislikes Britain and the British. Dreams From My Father was an exercise in Anglo-phobia: none of the accusations therein have been substantiated yet they colour his diplomacy. His immediate return of the Churchill bust that sat in the Oval Office was a slight but subtle statement of intent. Obama deals with British politicians contemptuously. No matter how absurd, foreign politicians deserve respect on the international stage: having Gordon Brown chase around after him was as callous as it was hilarious. In the case of BP, contempt has become hectoring. Initiating a criminal investigation denotes Obama’s political impotence, vanity and arrogance. His divisive conduct offends the dignity of his office, but it also shows a complete disregard for the globalised world in favour of narrow political interest. BP should fight back, both for its British and American shareholders and employees - the leader of the free world has other things on his mind.Via InstaPundit.