Bet you never see pictures like this one, of the Polish soldiers with Iraqi children.
For more awesome photos, visit the Freepers.
[Poland] [coalition][Iraq][allies]
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. ~ Benjamin Franklin ~
Bet you never see pictures like this one, of the Polish soldiers with Iraqi children.
For more awesome photos, visit the Freepers.
[Poland] [coalition][Iraq][allies]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
3:30 AM
Why would the US meet with Iran, and why would Iran stop the war against the US in Iraq?
Pat Dollard fills in the blanks:
... just 5 days before Monday’s talks, an entire floating army, with nearly 20,000 men, comprising the world’s largest naval strike force, led by the USS Nimitz and the USS Stennis, and also comprising the largest U.S. Naval armada in the Persian Gulf since 2003, came floating up unnanounced through the Straight of Hormuz, and rested right on Iran’s back doorstep, guns pointed at them. The demonstration of leverage was clear. And it also came on the exact date of the expiration of the 60 day grace period the U.N. had granted Iran.
And it came just a few weeks after Vice President Dick Cheney had swept through the region and delivered a very clear and pointed message to the Saudi King Abdullah and others: George Bush has unequivocally decided to attack Iran’s nuclear, military and economic infrastructure if they do not abandon their drive for military nuclear capability. Plain and simple. Iran heard the message as well, and although a lack of leverage may seem clear to America’s retired military tv talking heads, it is not so clear to the government in Tehran.
The message to both Iran and Syria is that if the talks in Baghdad fail, the military option is ready to go.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
3:00 AM
Truth is stranger than fiction...The fate of Napoleon's manhood.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:37 AM
Absolutely sick. Courtesy of Little Green Footballs.
[hamas] [terrorism] [indoctrination] [Israel] [Palestine]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:24 AM
South Africa as a safehaven for terrorists? Read it here, at The Weekly Standard.
[South Africa] [al Qaeda] [terrorism]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:04 AM
We went to see famous Australian guitarist, Tommy Emmanuel, play in Warsaw last night. Though he did not play these pieces, this video shows what a remarkable musician he is... Enjoy.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
6:49 AM
Tory Leader David Cameron: "Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around."
Check out the story here and here.
[David Cameron] [Muslim][Islam][integration]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:27 AM
Medieval sinners and leftist elites.
Torture, al Qaeda style. (Warning: graphic illustrations and photos).
More poisoned foods from China.
Europeans to profile mosques.
Germans comfort themselves with the idea that Iranian missiles will fall into their neighbors' gardens, if at all. If such missiles were to hit "secular Turkey" and "of course Israel," there would certainly be many dead, but not the usual innocent victims.
[tetrodotoxin] [China][poison][Europe][Islam][mosque][Germany][Iran][nuclear] [torture] [al Qaeda] [Iraq] [indulgences] [environment] [carbon offset]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
2:37 AM
Europe is in the middle of a three-way culture war, between the defenders of traditional Judeo-Christian morality, the proponents of secular hedonism and the forces of Islamic Jihadism. In Western Europe, the fight between Christians and secularists is all but over. The secularists have won. Now, the religious vacuum left by the demise of Christianity is being filled by the Muslims. Since one cannot fight something with nothing, the European secularists are no match for Islam.
Meanwhile, the dark forces of secularism, such as the European Union (EU), are waging war in Central and Eastern Europe, where they target countries such as Poland, Slovakia and the Baltic states.
On April 25, the European Parliament (EP), the EU's legislature, adopted a resolution condemning "homophobia." With 325 votes against 124 and 150 abstentions, the EP warned Poland that it will face sanctions if it adopts a law barring the promotion of homosexuality in schools. Churches, too, were reprimanded for "fermenting hatred and violence [against homosexuals]." Poland's prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, commented on the resolution: "Nobody is limiting gay rights in Poland. However, if we're talking about not having homosexual propaganda in Polish schools... such propaganda should not be in schools." Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice retorted: "There is no homophobia in the Catholic Church and it is time that all this [recrimination of Christians in the European Parliament] ended."
It is not likely to end. The fight against "intolerance" -- i.e. adherence to traditional Christian morality -- is intensifying.
Read the whole thing.
[Europe] [EU] [Poland] [Slovakia] [secular] [Christianity] [Islam] [homosexual]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
11:51 PM
Read Stephen Schwartz on the moderate Muslim and Western media. Here's an excerpt:
Muslims are not silent in the face of radicalism, extremism, and other ideologies that support terrorism from within the ranks of the Islamic global community, or umma. But Western mainstream media - the MSM - have proven unwilling or incapable of reporting to Western audiences on the personalities embodying the Islamic "counter-jihad," the principles that impel them, or the daily facts of their struggle. When the battle for the mosque is invoked, it is too often done so by commentators who have no idea how this battle shapes up, where its fronts are located, or who represents each trend.[Muslim] [Islam] [Wahhabi] [Fort Dix] [Albania] [Kosovo] [jihad] [terrorism] [media]
The problem is more that of "MSM silence" than of "Muslim silence." Furthermore, MSM silence about moderate and pluralistic Muslims then filters, or better, refracts through the prejudice of bigots in the media audience, who seek to turn the war against terror into a war against all of Islam. Almost two years ago, on, I outlined the basic failure of comprehension in the MSM when faced with the challenge of radical Islam. Ignoring moderate Islam is merely a variation of obliviousness and laziness about radical Islam. In its worst effects, MSM silence about moderate Islam discourages the recruitment of moderates to anti-terrorist activism, but also deters the solidarity of non-Muslims who could otherwise assist moderate Muslims.
There is no more immediate or eloquent example of how these factors affect American public opinion than the recent MSM coverage of the arrests in a terrorist plot to attack Fort Dix, NJ. Four among the six suspects detained in the case turned out to be ethnic Albanians. Certain commentators rushed to declare they were all Albanians from Kosovo, and to reproach them as ungrateful refugees from a war in which the U.S. had intervened to save Muslims. A rage spread through the blogosphere against all Albanians - presumably including Albanian Christians, of whom few onlookers know much, notwithstanding the prominence of the most famous of all modern Albanians, Mother Teresa. It turned out, however, that the three Duka brothers indicted in the conspiracy, Dritan, 28, Shain, 26, and Eljvir, 23, are from the town of Diber in western Macedonia, and not from Kosovo. Nobody in the Western commentariat bothered to apologize to the Kosovar Albanians for their allegations against a whole community, based on supposition, alarmism, and spite.
Furthermore, the Duka brothers had nothing to do with the Kosovo war and refugee influx, but had been brought to the U.S. as small children. While their untrimmed beards appeared a sure marker for their having become adherents of the radical-fundamentalist Wahhabi sect, they did not attend an Albanian mosque in the U.S., but an Arab-Pakistani institution, the South Jersey Islamic Center. As noted in The Washington Post, one member of the congregation declared, "The oldest brother was a funny guy, a joker. But he was not North African or Pakistani, and the language barriers often force us to talk among our own ethnic groups."
Arabs and Pakistanis are, by a far length, the Muslim communities in the West most saturated with fundamentalism. Thus, it took some time for American pundits, or aspirants to that title, to catch up with the dangerous probability that rather than the Fort Dix conspiracy exposing radical Islam among Muslims in the Balkans, it emerged from the underworld created by Wahhabi domination of Sunnism in America. I have repeatedly argued that radical Islamic ideologues have been more successful in imposing conformity on Sunnis in the U.S. and England than in most Muslim countries. Even Saudi Arabia, the source of Wahhabism, is now undergoing mass discontent with the Wahhabi order.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:53 AM
Victor Davis Hanson on European sobriety and globalization:
For all the cheap shots, the European public is worried about importing half their natural gas from Vladimir Putin, who now bullies Eastern Europeans, former Soviet republics, and dissidents well beyond his borders on the premise that his oil wealth and nukes ensure Europe can’t and won’t do anything.
Europeans know they won’t or can’t stop the Iranians from getting a nuke, but hope someone—that is, the United States—will. And from the Spanish flight from Iraq after the Madrid bombing, the spectacle of the British naval personnel in Iranian hands, and the continental paralysis after the Danish cartoons and other serial Islamic affronts to free expression, Europe knows that radical Islam is both dangerous and has little respect for either European moral authority or force of arms.
So it is they, not us, that are returning to sobriety in matters of the trans-Atlantic relationship, and they are doing this not because of affection for George Bush, but despite their anxiety about him. And that is good news, since it suggests the warming exists apart from personalities, and reminds us that if the so-called and much deprecated “West” were ever to act in unison (the former British Commonwealth, Japan, the US, and continental Europe), then radical Islam would simply have no chance against 8-900 million of the planet’s most productive, ingenious and democratic peoples.
Globalization is mostly driven by the United States, whether defined by the spread of the English language, crass advertising, the Internet, American pop culture of rap, jeans and I-pods or worldwide businesses like Starbucks and MacDonald’s. A global sameness seems to trample traditional cultures and appeal to the masses worldwide despite lectures from their elites about the dangers of such American-induced contamination.
This influence of the United States is not attributable to strategic location like that enjoyed by a Germany or Iran. We don’t have vast oil reserves like a Saudi Arabia, or an enormous population such as India or China. Instead, it’s what we do rather than what we have that attracts others. Our radical Democratic culture of informality and inclusiveness results in an unusually tolerant and secure society, in which participation is open to all. Being an American can be like playing at a cut-throat, madcap poker table, but it invites any to play who are willing to ante up and risk their all.
We can see this dynamism not just by the flood of immigrants—America takes more of them than all industrialized countries combined—but by the nature of some of them. Those who are sometimes most publicly critical of the United States, privately seem to like us a great deal. Why else would the dictator of Pakistan, an Amal militia leader in Lebanon, or a Turkish Islamist Prime Minister entrust their families either to live in the United States or to go to school here? Only in America can a Palestinian criticize the Hamas leadership, a Turkish woman wear a scarf, or a female Saudi student date.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:39 AM
Fred Thompson on the UN... is it a force of good?
I’m never particularly surprised when the United Nations seems to oppose human freedom rather than promote it. At least a third of its member nations aren’t democratic themselves. Many that claim to be, are only barely so.
An organization that treats democracies and dictators equally cannot be expected to be a pure force for good. When Fidel Castro and Kim Jong Il have as much say in U.N. matters as the entire populations of Poland and New Zealand, you’re going to have problems.
Still, people keep telling me that the U.N. is a force for good — and I’d like to believe it. The world could use an organization capable of dealing with international problems like slavery. According to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, an estimated 600,000 to 800,000 people are sold across national borders annually. More are enslaved within nations. Most are women; about half are children, and the majority are sexually abused.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:13 AM
Thoughts from Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska and member of the 9/11 Commission:
The critics who bother me the most are those who ordinarily would not be on the side of supporting dictatorships, who are arguing today that only military intervention can prevent the genocide of Darfur, or who argued yesterday for military intervention in Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda to ease the
sectarian violence that was tearing those places apart.
Suppose we had not invaded Iraq and Hussein had been overthrown by Shiite and Kurdish insurgents. Suppose al Qaeda then undermined their new democracy and inflamed sectarian tensions to the same level of violence we are seeing today. Wouldn't you expect the same people who are urging a unilateral and immediate withdrawal to be urging military intervention to end this carnage? I would.
American liberals need to face these truths: The demand for self-government was and remains strong in Iraq despite all our mistakes and the violent efforts of al Qaeda, Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias to disrupt it. Al Qaeda in particular has targeted for abduction and murder those who are essential to a functioning democracy: school teachers, aid workers, private contractors working to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure, police officers and anyone who cooperates with the Iraqi government. Much of Iraq's middle class has fled the country in fear.
With these facts on the scales, what does your conscience tell you to do? If the answer is nothing, that it is not our responsibility or that this is all about oil, then no wonder today we Democrats are not trusted with the reins of power. American lawmakers who are watching public opinion tell them to move away from Iraq as quickly as possible should remember this: Concessions will not work with either al Qaeda or other foreign fighters who will not rest until they have killed or driven into exile the last remaining Iraqi who favors democracy.
The key question for Congress is whether or not Iraq has become the primary battleground against the same radical Islamists who declared war on the U.S. in the 1990s and who have carried out a series of terrorist operations including 9/11. The answer is emphatically "yes."
This does not mean that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11; he was not. Nor does it mean that the war to overthrow him was justified--though I believe it was. It only means that a unilateral withdrawal from Iraq would hand Osama bin Laden a substantial psychological victory.
Those who argue that radical Islamic terrorism has arrived in Iraq because of the U.S.-led invasion are right. But they are right because radical Islam opposes democracy in Iraq. If our purpose had been to substitute a dictator who was more cooperative and supportive of the West, these groups wouldn't have lasted a week.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
8:28 AM
Natan Sharansky, once a dissident who spent 9 years in the Soviet gulag, is co-hosting a conference on democracy and security in Prague next month, together with former president of the Czech Republic Václav Havel and former prime minister of Spain José María Aznar, where he hopes to give dissidents around the globe a forum to be heard.
President Bush will be the keynote speaker.
Organized under the auspices of The Prague Security Studies Institute, the Adelson Institute for Strategic Studies at The Shalem Center and the Foundation for Social Analysis and Studies in Madrid , this is the "first-ever event to bring dissidents together with leading politicians in democratic countries to discuss the importance and relevance of democracy and to explore ways to promote democracy in totalitarian regimes, and the empowerment of dissidents in that process."
Mr. Sharansky finds that President Bush is a dissident like him: a lone voice in the West. He told Jackson Diehl of the Washington Post:
"It's not that the democracy policy was adopted and applied and turned out not to work," Sharansky said. "There was never a strategy for applying it. There was no unity of purpose. Hardly any political leaders besides Bush believed in the concept. Even here in America there was terrible resistance. It's not enough that the president believes in the policy and wants to act. He has to be able to carry the country and the bureaucracy with him."
First, when you are sitting with other dissidents in a Soviet prison, it becomes so clear that if we have anything in common it is this cause of human rights and democracy. It is not about left or right; nor is it about this or that religion. Human rights and freedom is a cause for everybody.
Second, for many years I was in solitary confinement, where I could talk only to myself. When you speak about the linkage between democracy and security in the free world, very often you find you are speaking only to yourself. Nobody really wants to listen; nobody really wants to believe in it."
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:53 AM
Labels: Dissidents, Human Rights, Security
Victor Davis Hanson's thoughts and reasons for why the war on terror will continue, despite the fact that most wish it away.
...radical Islamists largely arise from the oil-rich Middle East. Since 9/11, the price of oil has skyrocketed, transferring trillions of dollars from successful Western, Indian and Chinese economies to unsuccessful Arab and Iranian autocracies.[war] [terror][middle east][Iraq][Islam] [jihad][Iran]
Terrorists know that blowing up a Saudi oil field or getting control of Iraqi petroleum reserves — and they attempt both all the time — will alter the world economy. Even their mere threats give us psychological fits and their sponsors more cash.
This is a strange war. Our successes in avoiding attack convince some that the real danger has passed. And when we kill jihadists abroad, we are told it is peripheral to the war or only incites more terrorism.
But despite the current efforts at denial, the war against Islamic terrorism remains real and deadly. We can't wish it away until Middle Eastern dictatorships reform — or we end their oil stranglehold over the world economy.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:50 AM
Thomas Sowell has an excellent article that tackles the "angry" left.
If it is hard to find a principle behind what angers the left, it is not as hard to find an attitude. Their greatest anger seems directed at people and things that thwart or undermine the social vision of the left, the political melodrama starring the left as saviors of the poor, the environment and other busybody tasks they have taken on.Read it here.
It seems to be the threat to their egos that they hate. And nothing is a greater threat to their desire to run other people's lives than the free market and its defenders.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:16 AM
Some male victims of one of the world's deadliest spiders, once the painful symptoms of the spider's poison disappear, report an improvement in their sex life. Don't believe me? Check it out here.
[banana] [spider] [Brazil] [erectile] [disfunction]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
6:16 AM
RUSSIA is a strong, sovereign and prosperous country, surrounded by enemies and traitors who are bent on undermining its geopolitical power. Upstarts such as Estonia and Poland are trying to spoil Russia’s far more important relationships with proper European countries, such as Germany or France. The freshly-baked European Union (EU) members act on the instructions of America, a hypocritical and arrogant dictator of the world order, which pretends to be a democracy but in fact is closer to the Third Reich.
This, in short and perhaps a bit exaggerated, is the view of Europe from behind the Kremlin wall, intensified by the state media, and shared by many Russians.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:57 AM
Cmdr. Muhammad Muzzafar F. Khan becomes the first Muslim to be commanding officer of and operational aviation squadron, the Sea Control Squadron (VS) 31.
[Navy] [aviation] [squadron] [Muslim]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:20 AM
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) carried an opinion survey of five European countries (France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Poland), and found anti-Semitism is on the rise.
Respondents across the continent were asked a series of indicator questions representing the most pernicious notions of anti-Semitism and whether or not they thought the following four statements were "probably true" or "probably false."
Unfortunately, the survey showed that " a plurality of Europeans believe Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their country and that they have too much power in business and finance."
[anti-Semitism] [Israel] [Jews] [Spain] Italy] [Poland] [France] [Germany] [Europe] [Middle East]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:43 AM
Labels: Antisemitism
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:13 AM
The US State Department has an interesting compilation of information relating to what to expect if one is considering marrying a Saudi. Love may conquer all, but it's good to be informed before entering any contract, including marriage.
Here are some excerpts:
With whom will you live?
Many newly married couples move in with the groom's parents, in a sprawling villa that may house several other siblings and their wives and families. There is no such thing as personal privacy and tensions with family members who for one reason or another, may resent the presence of an American wife, often make this living arrangement difficult. In a more affluent family, a couple may inhabit one of several homes in a small family compound. Some Saudis live separately in villas or apartments. While that may resolve the issue of privacy, many American wives find themselves completely isolated, surrounded by neighbors who only speak Arabic, and with no access to public or private transportation.
With whom will you socialize?
Saudis socialize within the family. Expatriates who have lived and worked for years in Saudi Arabia may never meet the wife of a close Saudi friend and, according to custom, should never so much as inquire about her health. For an American wife, a social life confined to her husband's family can be stultifying, particularly since few American wives speak, or learn to speak, Arabic. Whether the Saudi husband permits his wife to socialize with men to whom they are not related determines how western a social life they will enjoy. Because of the segregated society, Saudi men naturally spend much of their time together, separate from wives and family. (Even Saudi weddings are segregated affairs, with observances for men and women often held on different evenings and in different locations.) Only the most westernized Saudi will commit to socializing with other dual-national couples.
[Saudi] [Muslim] [Islam] [Saudi Arabia] [marriage] [wedding]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
3:53 AM
Thanks to MEMRI, here's a fascinating debate on Arab youth and suicide bombers involving Syrian author Nidhal Naisa. It's a window, a glimpse, into a world we never see.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
10:20 AM
The Weekly Standard has an interesting article on Poland's Special Forces (GROM), how they came to be, and what important work they do.
[Poland] [GROM] [special forces] [SAS] [Delta][Iraq]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:13 AM
"Country walks can significantly reduce depression and raise sufferers' self-esteem according to research" reports The Telegraph.
[depression] [green][ecotherapy][walk]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
2:45 AM
And now, something different:
There are no secrets to becoming a millionaire and almost anyone has the chance to make it happen. The process is simple:
1. Make money
2. Don’t spend all of your money
3. Save some money
4. Invest that money
5. Repeat
Certainly there are many factors in play that can make this easier or more difficult for different people. This is simply the process that you can use in order to reach that goal, whether it is in 5 years or 50, if you follow a few basic steps you can do it.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
2:33 AM
The Iranians already are operating in South America's Tri-Border area. Is it the nothing-can-be-done crowd's assumption that the fellows who run armies of the "undocumented" from Mexico into America are just kindhearted human smugglers who'd have nothing to do with jihad even if the price was right? If you don't have borders, you won't have a nation -- and you may find "the jobs Americans won't do" covers a multitude of sins.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
2:19 AM
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
7:25 AM
A former KGB agent talks about the role of the useful idiots: when their job is completed, having been used by their puppeteers, the idiots will not come to power. They will be shot, exiled, or imprisoned.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:22 AM
Michael Goodwin points out an obvious:
You hear it all the time: If only the Israelis and Palestinians would make peace, the rest of the world would follow. The next time you hear it, remember that the Palestinian version of Mickey Mouse preaches death to Jews and Americans.
There can be no peace with a culture like that.
To those who monitor the sewage spewing from Arab media, the only shock about the report is that many Americans don't grasp the depth of depravity. TV, newspapers and the Internet urge violence in the name of Islam. Cartoons and music videos are used to brainwash children.
The goal, openly stated, is to enlist children in the "culture of martyrdom" — to die
fighting and killing the enemies of Islam. Suicide bombers are glorified and promised paradise. Grade-school textbooks fill children with dreams of a glorious death.
There is nothing remotely like it in our culture. Violence, especially ethnic, racial and religious violence, is universally condemned and carries extra punishment in America and much of the West.
Organizations such as the Middle East Media Research Institute ( have been warning for years about the twisted nature of public discourse in Arab and Muslim countries. ...
The sheer volume of this sickening garbage makes it clear that we are a long way from peace. The images, which shift easily from cartoon violence to grisly videos of the real thing in Iraq and elsewhere, illustrate the linkage. While we in the West endlessly study and debate the impact of video games on children's behavior, the merchants of hate in the Mideast have no doubt. They know that using violent images is a surefire way to raise a new generation of madmen.
What can we do about it? Maybe nothing — except be smart. We can start by dropping any pretense that we are not at war, or that Islamic terror will stop if only we get out of Iraq. The problem preceded our invasion, and it will last beyond the resolution. Whatever we do in Iraq, we shouldn't fool ourselves about the nature of the enemy or its goals.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
4:50 AM
Did you realize that Alexandria, that city shining o'er the hill, was destroyed by Islamic Arabs? It's important to remember our history.... Read Charlotte Allen's account in The Weekly Standard or check your encyclopaedia. The West has gone to sleep and, therefore, it's ignorant about what happened to this thriving city that died a slow death. We stand to lose if we don't start paying attention to our past!
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
9:27 AM
"White" Al-Qaeda?
Apparently, a professor at Belgrade University's Faculty of Security Studies, developed a theory of “white Al-Qaeda”, which he said was introduced to the Balkans during 1992-1995 civil war in Bosnia when thousands of 'mujahadeen' from Islamic countries came to fight on the side of local Muslims.
Professor Darko Trifunovic's theory is disturbing, and the more reason for the West to re-study history. Read it here.
[Fort Dix] [Albania] [Yugoslavia] [al-qaeda] [jihad] [terrorism]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
3:21 AM
Here's an interesting editorial by National Review Online on what's going on with missile defense. Excerpt:
After marking up the defense authorization bill for the 2008 fiscal year last week, Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D., Calif.) boasted of her “support for addressing real, near-term missile threats.” If only it were true. Tauscher, who chairs the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, had in fact just stripped $764 million from several key programs. These aren’t minor trimmings, but devastating eviscerations to missile-defense projects that are essential if the United States is to protect itself not only from the likes of Iran and North Korea, but also from the future beneficiaries of their proliferation.
The most important cut may be slashing $160 million from a $310 million budget to build missile-defense sites in Europe. Two ground-based sites in Alaska and California already give the United States a limited capability against North Korean missiles. To enhance this capability against the emerging Iranian long-range missile threat — protecting not only North America but also Europe — the Bush administration has begun talks with the Czech Republic and Poland to place ten interceptors and a radar system within their borders. The administration included funding to start building these sites in the request that Rep. Tauscher recently chopped.
Up to now, the main opposition to this initiative has come from Russia and anti-American Europeans. By joining them, the Pelosi Democrats have engaged in short-range thinking about long-range missiles. They claim that Iran is a problem for another day because it won’t acquire rockets that can reach Manhattan until 2015, according to intelligence estimates. But experience teaches that intelligence estimates can be wrong (see George Tenet, “slam dunk”). Last Thursday, John Rood, the assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation, warned Congress that, with foreign assistance, Iran might obtain long-range-rocket technology in less than eight years. Simply put, if the government is going to err, it should err on the side of deploying defenses too early.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
3:04 AM
Who were the 6 "alleged" terrorists arrested for plotting to kill soldiers on US soil? Victor Davis Hanson has a sobering synopsis of these men:
What’s the most important lesson we should take from the averted terrorist attack on Fort Dix [United States]?... the irony of it all can be seen in the profile of the suspects: Islamic terrorists from the former Yugoslavia, on whose behalf the U.S. bombed a European Christian country; illegal aliens at a time when those who object to the immigration crisis are considered nativists; a former resident of Jordan, a country showered with U.S. aid. At some point, we see how insidious are the effect of Middle East ingratitude, and how the envy and hatred of that region permeates its expatriates, the more so the United States has tried to help them.
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
2:49 AM
There's a new draft law in Poland which allow local authorites the option of removing monuments which glorify Communism. Polish Culture Minister Kazimierz Ujazdowski "stressed that the regulations did not involve removing graves of Russian soldiers. Instead, the law has to do with the removal of ideological memorials that recall "the Communist bondage and which are directed against Polish national dignity," he said. He also emphasized that only two paragraphs of the new law on monuments actually have to do with Soviet-era memorials."
In Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski's words: "Nobody will dictate to us what the streets in Poland will be named and which monuments will stand in Poland."
Read more here, here and here.
[Kaczynski] [Ujazdowski] [Poland] [Russia] [World War II]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
6:17 AM
A program using a Mickey Mouse-like character to urge Palestinian children to fight Israel and the West and work for world Islamic domination has been pulled off Hamas's television station for "review," Palestinian Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti said Wednesday. Barghouti said the use of the cartoon character in such a role represented a "mistaken approach" to the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation.
A Hamas-run television channel has defied a Palestinian government request to axe a controversial children's cartoon in which a Mickey Mouse look-alike urges resistance against Israel.[Israel] [Hamas] [Palestine] [Islam] [Middle East] [indoctrination]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
6:05 AM
Something to think about regarding illegal aliens, the welcoming of refugees with open arms without knowing more of their history and background, and ignoring the enemy within.
Read: Malkin's The Thanks We Get.
[Fort Dix] [Albanians] [Yugoslav] [Turkey] [tagname] [Jordan] [aliens] [refugees] [illegal]
Posted by
Barbara Dillon Hillas
5:22 AM